"...past is of prologue..." w.s The Tempest
If such a statement holds true, which as centuries of time and our continued recycling of Shakespeare's works proves, then we must look at the formation of the human psyche, the origins of a conscious being, there we find aspects of nature and nurture. Turning our attention to the nurturing portion of formative years, more specifically the pragmatic lifestyle and test based education we've received in childhood. A life process that has lead to unattached generations whose lines of communication are a multitude of static one way streets i.e. texting, updating, social networks among others. Regardless of these means of communications intent, they are stifled with statements of an overly preconceived and judgment based society, leaving them to be a graveyard holding unheard cries of desired attention and social acceptance. Where we have connected both opinion and judgment into a singular word, we see our right as reason to wrong another.
Truth, where the wrong are righted and the right are self-knighted...
So often we are asked to state which of these is "right" or uncover the "truth", in order to pass a test or meet a standard that is has been set. Such pragmatic methods set an individual into an existence of duality and practicality, creating pain and pleasure along with the confusion of needs and wants, which are the causes of our greatest sufferings in life. When viewing existence over a large span of collected time (a composition of the past and present) we can see that truth is only relevant to time and space i.e space-time. Knowing this opens up the means of progress and productivity, because if truth is not certain then we need not fall short at right or wrong however continue the climb towards what can be.
1+1=2 is a known fact, to a person whom is aware or has encountered this knowledge, however 1+1=2 does not equal 2 because science and math also tell us that everything truly exists on a subatomic level there is no difference between 1 or 1 or 2 they are all the same. The conclusion that we are looking for here is not to through ourselves into the chaos of nihilism but to take further action in abstracting these known self-created facts to search for the most progressive result leading to a synthesized existence where truth and action are contextually based. Just as we find black and white print on the walls of museums, instilling context upon the works to follow, arts current state of complexity and over justification speaks to both the work and the call of society.
In art we find that one is pragmatic in order to be abstract (setting a very specific goal to answer a question or convey a meaning) however the process and result of art is more often abstract as smaller practical elements enter to further facilitate the final result. Changing the context to science and math (more pragmatic based fields ) we flip the para-dime and use abstract ideas to create goals they will in turn act as a catalyst in the creation of new methods in achieving.
Whilst our current points of right and wrong stand we shall then continue to follow dead ends due to self inflicted terms of absolutes...
This self imposed finite structure possesses a serious predicament to life, that is, that life's only absolute is that nothing is absolute. Creating an "always" that does not exist, through recognizing that it is not left or right however infinite in options leads to a furthered discussion and uncovering of the best possible decision to which take action upon. We ask ourselves to construct a reality of boxes squares and ridged angles enclosing certain ideas, where life is far more fluid than an stone wall. We must present a more visionary concept to our reality and construct such a vision into reality.
The lacking in our species is the nature of our existence, which in part is a constructed box yet, equally if not greater an abstract being.
The mere presence of our created forms is abstract, there is little that is human that is found in nature, our construct has been abstracted from nature. We pulled everything out labeled, weighed measured and studied to create our entirety, which is not to say is a bad thing, however doing so in the naivety of the simple facts of existence our actions where taken with mal-intent. The beauty of the current space-time is that we aware of such information and can end our blind stumble turning it to walk taken with intent and purpose, especially through reaching the youth. Creating future generations of humans who view there world as a vast plane of where impossible is an unknown word and challenges are met with enthusiasm.
It is here in the land of hope amidst this confusion that afflicts the world that we may continually stifle as a child learning to walk, however with great integrity and persistence must we push forward even if to hit a similar wall. For if we are to live by the notion of better than, we shall remain in a world of great advancements in science, the exploration of man and great wealth, yet oppression, hunger and racial tyranny will continue to plague the world;
our cure
is found in working towards the unattainable
the absolute
the truth.
i love this yoga sutra and thought of it in regards to your writing here, Ryan. Patanjali's Yoga Sutra 2.1: "The cause of the pain is the identification of the external world onto the unseen world."
thanks love... i would agree well said by Patanjali... so that one lives by the notion that the external does not affect the internal?
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