Monday, September 15, 2014

"a Present for a Future from a Past"_screen sonnet & written poem


                                          a Present for a Future from a Past

                                          here it comes, this most formidable
                                          and unforgivable present.
                                          a swift and timely gift
                                          that fading clock which ticks
                                          forged in a past
                                          this unknown future cast

                                          for its time that arrives ahead
                                          and time which lies with us in bed
                                          still its time that is the thief
                                          still its time that steals grief
                                          still its time that lessons the might
                                          still its time that brings the night
                                          still its time that cannot be caught
                                          and time which can't be bought
                                          still its time that teaches
                                          and time that leeches
                                          still its time that binds us
                                          still its time that finds us
                                          still its time which cannot hide
                                          still its time that remains by our side
                                          still its time that is space
                                          and time which we face

                                          still its time that keeps our breathe
                                          and time which seals our death
                                          still its time
                                          and time again
                                          still its time
                                          and time my friend

"a Present for a Future from a Past"

A series of works integrating various forms and media emulating life, defined as "anything with the condition for living and death". Performance and sculptural works are involved in these five to ten year process in which the works will oscillate between the two states of life. Alive through audience participation in the burial of the sculptures, poetry, video and continual evolution within the earth. In memory the works come and go as time advances towards its prescribed unearthing or death.  

Owners of the works are equipped with keys to  the works, written GPS coordinates (ie 25.3450° S, 131.0361° E) as well as a date informing them when, if they choose, they can excavate their work. Below are images of the sculptural works and their burial, which occurred during exhibiting on August 24th 2014. The above post includes other forms these works have taken, a screen sonnet and a poem entitled  "a Present for a Future from a Past".

"a Present for a Future from a Past_2024"

 steel, tin, paint, copper, paper, calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate


"a Present for a Future from a Past_2024"
glass, paper, tin, steel, copper, poly-thread

East End Summer Residence

"big red"
steel, copper, wood, chemical abrasions


"99 pages of poems on the wall 99 pages of poems, take one down pass it around 
98 pages of poems on the wall"
*an interactive work which participants chose a poem from the wall to read the chair and later share.


steel, copper with embroidery and chemical abrasions
**commissioned gate for Zeller Estate 


"how is"
steel, copper, tin, found object


"text your"
steel, copper, wood  


 "tight domain"
steel, copper, tin

wood, paper, steel, copper, polyurethane thread, natural stain polyurethane


wood, steel, paint