Friday, April 6, 2012

couple of words written in the air... posted to share

counted eggs

acceptance of truth without evidence or investigation
is what leads to the hearts devastation

being responsible for someone your only
is what leads to a heart of lonely

confidence placed in person to own your care
is what leads to a heart he will tare

belief in the reliance of an other
is what led to this heart a smother

to commit to safekeeping
is what gave this heart its reaping


again they say you must

yet trust is what led this heart to rust


why do you recoil

why do you recoil, i am no thief?
might it be your actions that cause such grief

for i do not beg to differ
and hardly see what you dare do gift her
a polite passing of buy
the hardly of your try

yet still you see contrast of people
and continue the claim of science or steeple

though there be only one way one reason why
the way of how each and every does try
for fact & certainty is left souly to the individual
as when applied outward there remains a residual

so seek to contrast your own contradiction
denying duality's restriction

and soon due time will show
that beyond labels existence does grow

might then we embrace
as individuals as a human race


run you fools

run you fools
for the demon you've forsaken
is the brim of fire an ego taken
the wish to care not caste in shadow
leaves the wanderlust a hallow
he who seeks juste the dream and yet,
look around to see the wasteland soon beset

run you fools
for the fence of natures hold
to find function in a future to unfold
for there is light at the end of dark lords reign
so build strong and sustain
as it is an i whom wields the ring
aiding the thievery that ego does sing

run you fools
who place judgment and patch a top
an so the quarry to never cease nor stop
for little there is of truth in rock
when time's an alteration a chopping block

run you fools
who dare not to communicate
yet live amongst and correlate
with less the ear and twice the spear an end is near

so run you fools
and foster fallen
let what little drivel left to call-in,


"run you fools,